Chemistry Line Manager

Termoli, Italy CDI

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About Automotive Cells Company - ACC

Join us and be a pioneer for a green transport revolution.
Automotive Cells Company (ACC) is one of Europe’s newest and most exciting high-tech companies. Backed by Saft-Total, Stellantis-Opel and Mercedes-Benz, ACC is set to power the future of the automotive industry by innovating in battery technology.
We aim to produce sustainable, affordable, high-capacity, longer-life batteries as a cleaner alternative to current energy sources. We create an R&D center and new state-of-the-art facility in France (New Aquitaine), with gigafactories to be built in France, Germany, and Italy. 
We need a range of skilled and agile people to bring our vision to life, especially in the areas of industrialization, mechanical design, testing/prototyping, and any other function of a new-born company. If you’re looking to take your career further than you imagined, if you’re passionate about creating cleaner transport, we’d like to hear from you.

Accelerating sustainable mobility for all.

Job description

  • Manage SMQTCE results of the Chemistry line (SMQTCE= Safety, Motivation, Quality, Timing/production output, Cost, and Environment).

  • Manage operationally all the people in the Chemistry line: production, maintenance, industrialization & process engineering, quality, and product engineering; and make sure they work as a cross-functional team to reach the best level of performance of the line.

  • Apply, run, and make sure all ACC management routines are applied to put under control the operations of the Line: Gemba walk, daily and weekly RPOs, Problem-Solving slots, Planification, and Escalation,….

  • Continuously stabilizes & improves the working processes in order to reach the best level of industrial performance of the line (OEE, Scrap, Transformation Costs).

  • Ensure that every data of the process book is properly filled in and collected at each step of the process. Use collected data to solve issues and improves processes.

  • Ensure the occupational safety of every people working in the area and make sure all safety rules and procedures are applied. KPI : Number of Accidents, Near Misses

  • Develop continuously the skills of the team required to master the process and the equipment and achieve the right level of performance. KPI: skills matrix.

  • Organize and manage the human resources according to the needs, in cooperation with the managers of the functions. KPI: Headcounts

  • Ensure the quality of the products and sub-products produced on the line, and makes sure the control plan is properly executed and deviation properly and quickly corrected. KPI: customers claims, scrap rate

  • Deliver every day the required production output defined by Supply Chain in order to satisfy its customers in amount and quality. KPI : output vs planning

  • Optimize the capacity of the equipment of the line, in order to meet S&OP requirements, with the support of the Industrial team. KPI: equipment capacity

  • Guarantees, with Industrialization support, that all the equipment run at targeted cycle time; with Maintenance support that all breakdowns are solved and that preventive maintenance plan is applied; KPI : cycle time, OEE

  • Control and reduce every production cost. KPI: energy consumption, transformation costs (€/kWh)

  • Works continuously to reduce waste, water consumption, and non-added value activities. KPI: water consumption, wastes

  • Prepare with the support of, Industrial team, the landing of any new projects on his line. KPI: QCTP of the project


  • 10 years of Experience in a manufacturing environment

  • Degree in Engineering (industrial or chemical engineering)

  • Process Engineering

  • Problem-Solving (PDCA, 6-sigma)

  • 10 experience in production management (line, plant)

  • Project Management

  • Fluent Italian and English

  • Rigor & demanding

  • Agility

  • Experience in starting or ramping up a new plant

Per questa ricerca, sarà data priorità, previa verifica dei requisiti professionali, all'assunzione di lavoratori che siano:

1. beneficiari di interventi di sostegno al reddito;

2. disoccupati a seguito di procedure di licenziamento collettivo;

3. lavoratori di aziende del Molise coinvolte in tavoli di crisi attivi presso il Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico.

I requisiti professionali includono il percorso di formazione professionale e le competenze e capacità acquisite, e  si terrà conto delle competenze relazionali e della qualità professionale in termini di conoscenze, capacità e abilità, in relazione alla mansione e al contesto organizzativo.

Details about the job
Termoli, Italy
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